Loralei Hurlock
Lit & Media Studies
I believe that in 5 years Facebook will be an everyone, everyday kind of thing, which probably means the Newspaper will be on its way to becoming extinct. 3D T.V's will most likely be a lot more popular than right now, because they were just released not too long ago. I also think blu ray's will be more popular, as well. Although, they may start becoming the new dvd to vhs, as in Blu ray would be in and Dvd's would be out. I think books will still be around, but may not be as wanted. I know a lot of people love reading, but kindles are on a rise. The more they become liked and popular, the word will spread and people will still want the newest, quickest piece of technology. It's almost like people will be like well if it's here and easier and really cool, why wouldn't you want to use it?
In 15 years, I'll be 34... I really hope I can keep up with technology, but I think things are going to be a lot more advanced then in 5. The design of vehicles will be different, probably houses and all our everyday things. We cannot tell if any natural disasters will alter our lives, so that may change the way media works. I do believe media will still have control over the younger generation and be able to brain wash them. Books may or may not exist, perhaps they'll be collector's items, which I personally hope doesn't happen. There will have to be some sort of new phone, although I cannot tell what they'd be considering we already have smart phones and they basically do everything you need. It's just a matter of finding out a more simple way of putting it, because that's what people will keep wanting in the future.
In 50 years, I can't even fathom what will happen. I do possibly believe, because our generation's so advanced, that when we're in our 60's we may not act or seem as old as people of that age in previous generations. I say this, only because we keep advancing in medicine and technology and such, so what if we found the cure for cancer by then, then people would possibly live longer, because not as many are dying from disease. I think we could possibly fly by then, instead of driving, although I don't know if they'd get rid of driving or if you had the option, which is crazy to think about. Clothes will probably be different looking, but I can't think of if we'll dress very futuristic or rotate back to fads that were popular 'back in the day', because for some reason fads die and then 15 years later, they arise again.
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